Find out more about STEAM
Steam House cafes are softly styled safe wellbeing hubs, which are located on the high street for those seeking mental health and wellbeing support.
The below referral form should be used by professionals only (such as GP’s / mental health clinicians)
For urgent mental health support call NHS 111 and select Mental Health
Anyone who needs assistance with their mental health can call NHS 111 and select mental health
If you are calling for somebody else, we will need their consent to support them. You could make the call while they are in the room with you or encourage them to call
They will be able to speak to a qualified mental health clinician who will help them to get the correct support
Once this form has been completed and submitted, a member of our local STEAM team will make initial contact with the client (depending on need) within 4-24 hours. The referrer will receive an email notification to confirm this once completed. Our team will respond promptly to all referrals. STEAM House cafes are open seven days a week.
If you are not in a position to complete a referral form, please call NHS 111 and select mental health. The Operator, with assistance from a qualified clinician, will assess the individual and can refer them to STEAM for the support required.
Steam House cafes are softly styled safe wellbeing hubs, which are located on the high street for those seeking mental health and wellbeing support.